2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Farm 2012; 46 (1)
Treatment of dental alveolitis with 5 % propolis tincture
Bravo VAV, Díaz GLM, Armas GL
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 97-104
PDF size: 57.75 Kb.
Objective: to compare the effectiveness of 5 % propolis tincture and of the conventional pharmacological treatment in patients diagnosed with dental alveolitis.
Methods: a longitudinal, descriptive and prospective case-control study was carried out in "Jose Martí" dental clinic located in Consolación del Sur municipality, Pinar del Río province in 2009. The universe of study was 90 patients who were divided into two groups randomly and differently treated, that is, one group of cases (group 1)
made up of 30 patients who were treated with 5 % propolis tincture and the other of controls with 60 patients (group II) that followed conventional drug therapy The data processing was based on summary and inference statistics
Results: Females prevailed in both groups and dental alveolitis was predominant in 46-60 y age group. The Group I exhibited remission of symptoms after the second(36.6 %) and the third day (60 %) of treatment and just one patient required treatment for 5 days, whereas Group II needed a longer treatment, from 5 to 7 days for 61.3 % (27 patients) and 23.3 % (14 patients) respectively.
Conclusions: the 5 % propolis tincture treatment proved to be highly effective since it attained remarkable remission of symptoms as well as the reduction of the number
of therapeutic sessions required, all of which supports the recommendation of this product as an adequate therapeutic alternative.
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