2011, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2011; 45 (4)
Pharmaceutical-toxicological characterization of medicinal plant Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis (L). R. Bolli
Clapé LO, Castillo AA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 586-596
PDF size: 61.88 Kb.
The objective of the monograph was the pharmacological and toxicological
characterization of Sambucus nigra subspecies canadensis(L.) R. Bolli, a Cuban
traditional plant with anti-inflammatory action, among others. Several pharmacological aspects such as phytochemical composition; scientifically tested
properties attributed by the population; posology; adverse reactions; warnings;
interactions; toxicity; precautions and counterindications were presented. It was
concluded that the pharmaceutical and toxicological monograph of this plant provides
full information as indispensable documentation to update national and international
databases, with a view to developing new pharmaceuticals, particularly antiinflammatory
drugs with low adverse effect potential.
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