2003, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2003; 11 (3)
Conditions of Academic and Work Environment in the Basic Formation of Nursing Students
Hernández GGC, Aguilar ME
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 125-132
PDF size: 93.59 Kb.
It is a comparative transverse study, where it is considered the focus environmentalist that gives priority to the how being and the how doing as a part of the epistemology perspective from the critic of the experience. In that perspective, the atmospheres key resides on that what impedes or facilitates the elaboration of knowledge by itself. It was structured and validated a survey of 84 items with 6 indicators. 157 nursing students from the second through the eighth semester were surveyed. The results showed significant statistic differences related to students perceptions among groups and indicators when applying the Kruskal Wallis. A scale was made from 0 to 84 to locate these perceptions on the work environment and was divided on five categories from very unfavorable up to very favorable, locating 22 students as regularly favorable, 86 favorable and 49 very favorable. 38 students referred to be harassed and 7 students perceived sexual harassment in the clinical settings. 130 students expressed comments which were analyzed qualitatively. In the educational nursing atmosphere, the work environments and their relation with the professional formation of bachelor degree students have not been investigated, which becomes this study as the first attempt to it.
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