2011, Number 3
Emergence order of permanent dentition in children from the Santa Clara municipality: Part II
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 219-229
PDF size: 76.38 Kb.
A cross-sectional, descriptive and epidemiologic study was conducted of the permanent dentition of children from Santa Clara municipality from 2005 to 2009 to determine the emergence order of permanent dentition. Universe included 45 724 infants of both sexes aged between 4 and 14. Sample included 1 769 subjects. There were emergence percentiles and from the 50 percentile the order was established. The teeth for each eruptive group were compared and symmetry was studied, establishing the emergence order. There were order differences between both sexes, hemiarcades and with the tables from other authors. The more symmetric teeth were the incisives and the first molars. We conclude that not always the lower teeth erupt before the upper ones, the incisives and first molars are the more symmetric in eruption. The first erupted permanent tooth may be the lower central incisive or the first lower molar. The more frequent situation is that the upper and lower canines erupt after the first bicuspids.REFERENCES
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