2011, Number 38
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Oral 2011; 12 (38)
Phenomenon of extravasation of salivary glands: report of three cases
Arenas MJA, Juárez GEJ, Lagunes LMA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 758-762
PDF size: 84.36 Kb.
Salivary gland extravasaron phenomenon is a lesión thaí causes several types of mucoceles in different anatomic locaíions such as the floor of the mouíh (Ránula) or the buccal aspect of the lower lip, respectively the cases presented here. Generally speaking, ránulas have a larger size than lip mucoceles. Extravasaron mucoceles include an área of spilled mucin around the periductal soft tissues that produces a granulation-tissue response that gives origin to a pseudocyst. These lesions are characterized by a normal color, or a blue or purple-reddish hue if it gets mixed with erythrocytes. Numerous treaíment types have been described, such as íhe surgical removal of íhe lesión or the use of corticosteroids, although some authors prefer to be less conservativo and remove the sublingual gland along wiíh the lesión in the case of ránula (since it is well known that it is mandatory to remove the minor salivary glands with a lip mucocele). In children, the extravasaron phenomenon is the most frequeníly found (due to trauma), while in adults the retention presentation is the most common one (due to a sialolith), thus producing a salivary retention cyst.
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