2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2012; 49 (1)
Behavior of branchial cyst in patients admitted in the
Quintana DJC, Miranda TJD, Quintana GM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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The congenital branchial cyst appearaing in the lateral region of the neck is frequently consultation reason. The aim was to determine the behavior of the branchial cysts in the patients admitted in the "Ciro Redondo García" General Teaching Hospital of Artemisa municipality from 1993 to 2009. A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted of the branchial cysts diagnosed in patients operated on in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service. Study variables were: age, sex, the skin color, neck involved side, histopathological result and the auxiliary means used. There appear 12 branchial cysts involving the 50 % of both sexes, a 75 % aged between 15 and 30 and a 75 % of white skin, a 66.7 % involved the neck right side and in a 100 % of cases authors used biopsy and ultrasound as auxiliary means for its diagnosis. There was a stratified squamous epithelium in a 100 % of cysts and in a 91,6 % the lymphoid tissue. There was not predominance of sex, most of patient were aged under 30, white skin and had cysts in the neck right side. In all patients authors used the biopsy and ultrasound as diagnostic auxiliary means. The stratified squamous epithelium and the lymphoid tissue were the more relevant histopathological findings.
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