2011, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2011; 27 (2)
Nursing - Information Technology: Is a contradiction or an opportunity to networking?
Vialart VN
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 178-188
PDF size: 56.35 Kb.
Information technology is a specialty that not only process data, but also need of
them and provide with any information to be established for cooperative exchange,
thus, it is a means for the development of any science. Nursing developed as a
profession and a discipline and in its route to be placed as a science, needs of the novel advances of science and technique, thus the significance to describe the more
important means of information technology for the networking in nursing. We
conclude that there are not contraindications between nursing and information
technology it's a question of change the behaviors in face of technologies, to fit in
with the times and the science's development and thus to make use of the
opportunities offering information to nursing in its promotion as a science where the
networking must to be a priority.
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