2011, Number 4
Breast feeding and care management
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 327-336
PDF size: 53.63 Kb.
The act of breast feeding is a right of every woman, essential for the up bringing of their sons/ daughters.The socio cultural changes observed in the Chilean population associated with health in some cases are related to diet and nutrition; factors such as fetal growth, birth weight, postnatal growth, maternal nutrition during pregnancy and duration of the maternal breast feeding, could impact on health in adulthood. The preparation of the fathers and mothers as care takers of their sons/daughters could affect the care that a family could offer and facilitate in the adaptation of the child in his/her home life, especially if they have difficulties in the process of breast feeding, suck-swallow problems, milk flow rate, pre-maturity, maternal host, personal decision of the mother to breast feed etc. Breast feeding is instinctive and learnt by the mother and the child. The nursing care and self care of the child should be learnt and managed by the mother during the first days after delivery may help in solving difficulties and problems of the mother and the baby in relation to breast feeding. The application of the different stages of the process of nursing care by the professional in charge of the mother _son could facilitate the installation of the breast feeding. The steady increase of the maternal breast feeding could be obtained by promoting through different educational, re-creative, informative, activities with the participation of the students, professionals, voluntary organizations, pro-breast feeding and the community. For a proper care management and promotion of breast feeding the participation /involvement of the mother and the father is essential right from the moment of birth, support net works and the family environment, together with the health team.REFERENCES
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