2012, Number 1
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Gac Med Mex 2012; 148 (1)
Neurorrehabilitación: de un pasado rígido a un futuro plástico
Bayona-Prieto J, Bayona E, Leon-Sarmiento FE
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 91-96
PDF size: 86.58 Kb.
Since ancient times, several cultures including those from China, Egypt, India and Rome gave rigid solutions to improve physical problems of affected people by several neurological disorders. These measures were applied, at that time, by individuals prepared for doing such task. It evolved throughout the years supported by the discovery and comprehension of the so-called neural plasticity as well as the current evidences that the nervous system is able of remodelating itself even in adult times. It is known today that synaptic modulation is the base of neurorehabilitation improved by use and application of specific protocols to each neurological disorder. Among these, we have to consider not only all of the already known on rehabilitation measures but also on neurorobotic, neurorestauration, neuromodulation, neurostimulation as well as virtual reality, among others interventions. Neurorehabilitation has been able to put together modern science with ancient manual therapies helping to change, in a positive way, the attitude toward people with disabilities in the twenty one century; likewise, it offers new hopes for functional recovery where before was nothing. Further, it gives opportunities to get a better quality of life to affected people and its corresponding families. It is very interesting to know that the modern concepts of neurorehabilitation performed in a multidisciplinary approach are very useful for humans on the Earth and people interested in conquer Space.
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