2012, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2012; 23 (1)
Influence of perinatal factors on the neonatal screening of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Ciudad de La Habana
Espinosa RTM, Hernández BM, Carvajal MF, González RE, Domínguez AE
Language: Spanish
References: 43
PDF size: 284.42 Kb.
Introduction: the psychosocial and economic costs associated with the false-positive results of the neonatal screening of congenital adrenal hyperplasia are high.
Objectives: to identify the perinatal factors to get involved in the rise and in the normalization time of values of 17 hydroprogesterone (17OHP) in patients not involved by a congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Methods: a retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted in 1 114 patients from Ciudad de La Habana and La Habana with false-positive results according to screening from January, 2007 to June, 2010. Authors identified the differences in frequency of perinatal factors recognized in this group with a sample of general population, and other including congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients.
Results: from the false-positive patients, the 50.7 % was of male sex and the 49.3 % to the female one. The 54.7 % was born by cesarean section and the 82 % has not acute fetal suffering, those small for the gestational age and lower birth weight had mean levels of 17OHP higher. The 68.1 % normalized the OHP at one month of life, independently the type of labor and of the presence of acute fetal suffering but the gestational age and the birth weight had an inverse correlation with the persistence of its rise. There was predominance of eutocia labor in the sick and normal neonates and the cesarean section in the false-positive ones. The mean of gestational age and of the birth weight was significantly minor in the cases of the first group, compared with the remaining groups.
Conclusions: the prematurity and the low birth weight had a significant influence on the rise and the persistence of values of 17OHP, but not the type of labor and the acute fetal suffering.
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