2011, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2011; 22 (2)
Insulin resistance and metabolic changes in obese adults
Fernández RR, Arranz CMC, Ortega SJA, Hernández RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 78-90
PDF size: 111.84 Kb.
Introduction: the relation obesity-insulin resistance-diabetes mellitus-high blood pressure is more and more significant due to the more relevant role of obesity in the development of each of them. The obese persons are about the 20 to 30 % of Cuban population and this disease or pathologic condition every day is a more important health problem.
Objective: an observational study was conducted in obese adult subjects of both sexes aged between 18 and 60, seen in the National Institute of Endocrinology from 2006 to 2008. In present study also were included those subjects apparently healthy, with a normal height, selected from health institutions of primary care of Plaza municipality. All subjects (N= 214) were classified in 4 groups: body mass index (BMI) between 18,5 and 24,9), pre-obese I (BMI between 25 and 29,9), obese grade II (BMI from 30 to 34,9), obese grade III (BMI between 35 and 39,9). As well as the clinical examination and anthropometric measurements, a fasting blood sample was taught to determine the following serum analytes: glycemia, insulin, to total cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine and uric acid. Also, the insulin resistance was
measured from glycemia and the insulinemia figure according HOMA index.
Results: there was a significant association between abdominal circumference and the body mass index with the insulin resistance rate. Also, this showed a significant correlation (p< 0,05) with the uric acid figure in plasma. It was noted the as the body mass index was greater there were significant increases mean values in glucose plasma, insulin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, creatinine and uric acid.
Conclusion: according to a progression in obesity there are significant metabolic changes in glucidic and lipid metabolism and also in some nitrogenous compounds like
the creatinine and uric acid.
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