2012, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2012; 32 (1)
Control and monitoring of health personnel exposed to occupational accidents. Review of Infection Committee reports to the Central Military Hospital, 2000-2005
Frías SJA, Hernández DS, Ruíz CMI
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 15-24
PDF size: 142.66 Kb.
Background. Due to the great number and diversity of patients seen daily in the hospital, labor risk managing has a clear significance because of nosocomial infections. This is a revision of the reports received by Committee of Infections in the Military Central Hospital between 2000-2005.
Material and methods. We analyzed the reports about labor accidents that were submitted to thee Nosocomial Infections Committee between January of 2000 and December of 2005; we discussed as well risk factors, control and monitoring.
Results. We analyzed 288 reports, which were more frequent in nurses, followed by the medical group. The cleaning staff accidents accounted for 19.09%. There were occasional reports involving dentists and X-ray staff.
Conclusion. An infection control program should be based on effective risk identification, encourage vaccination of susceptible and new income personnel and aspects of post-exposure prophylaxis or treatment. Basic education is required, applying to isolation techniques and standard or universal cautions. The notification must be made quickly, maintain an adequate monitoring and comply with the recommendations of the Committee.
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