2012, Number 01
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MediSan 2012; 16 (01)
Knowledge, attitudes and sexual practices in Santiago de Cuba province
Valdés GLE, Malfrán GMD, Ferrer SY, Salazar AE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 188.50 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 3 559 people (15-35 years old) was carried
out, with the objective of characterizing the knowledge, attitudes and sexual practices
and their relation to the manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS in
Santiago de Cuba province. From the members of the case material, 46,4 % of those
who began their sexual relations at 10-14 years and 82,0 % of those who began them
with persons of the same sex, were males. Regarding condom, 18,6 % of the women
and 17,6 % of the men, referred to have used it in their first sexual relations; but
31,8 and 30,2 % of those who practiced anal and vaginal coitus never used it. Among the sexual practices, vaginal penetration (94,6 %) and oral sex (62,0 %) prevailed.
The rate for no answer and no participation was 18 %, with a confidence interval of 95
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