2010, Number 33
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Oral 2010; 11 (33)
The Amelogeneses Imperfect treated by a multidisciplinary team
Rodríguez D, Acosta MG, Pierdoménico B, Begoña TM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 569-572
PDF size: 280.31 Kb.
The Amelogenesis Imperfect is understood as a defect of dominant autosomic enamel in absence of syndrome. In young patients this defect represents a serious problem of the stomagtognatic system that involves the aesthetic and in the adolescence or even before it, creates a strong impact in the individual, bringing consequently problems of socialization and self-esteem. The defects of the enamel must been treated with interdisciplinary form to offer integral aid to the patient, existing different options of prosthetic rehabilitation. Next is a case of an adolescent diagnosed with Amelogenesis Imperfect treated by the postgraduates courses of Odontopediatry, Peridoncia, Endodoncia, Prostodoncia appears, doing interconsults with Orthodoncy, Imagenología and Psicology.
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