2012, Number 1
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (1)
Analysis of the crematorium current situation from “Capitán Roberto Rodríguez Fernández” Hospital in Morón. Proposal for a future relocation
Arturo José Inda MAJ, Romero SO, Pérez FOO, González FJA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 817.73 Kb.
In recent years, it has increased a worldwide concern by processes comprising the incineration
and pyrolysis, by its generation to the environment of polluting global such as dioxins and
mercury; that damage that can lead the combinations of these chemicals are unknown. This has
led to the closure of many incinerators. A location analysis of the incinerator (crematorium) was
carried out which is located in an area within the hospital, entity located to the east of Moron city,
for this it was applied the womb of pressure, state, impact, answer (PEIR). It reach to the
conclusion that crematorium of Morón hospital since its functioning has caused numerous
problems to the environment and to the population health by its incorrectly location and
construction project, at not meet existing biosecurity standards. It is proposed to relocate the
incinerator (crematorium), in an area outside the urban perimeter, in line with the predominant
direction of the alisius and Northern winds.
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