2012, Number 1
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Mediciego 2012; 18 (1)
Clinical and genetic characterization of centenarian greater adults from Morón municipality
Mondejar BMD, Hernández MN, Junco MGJ, Sifonte PL, César CG
Language: Spanish
References: 25
PDF size: 62.72 Kb.
A descriptive observational study was carried out in Morón with the aim to characterize the
centenarian greater adults from the clinical point of view; the universe was constituted by 10
patients predominating from 100 to 104 years, feminine sex, white skin, within the toxic habits of
the coffee consumption; the chronic disease that prevailed was the arterial hypertension; most of
the longevous made physical activity during their life and their feeding was good, a greater
percent did not have risk of reactions to drugs. In the functional assessment prevailed
instrumented alterations on daily life; in the affective sphere a great number of centenarians
didn´t have alterations; all of them had longevity familiar antecedents. The genealogical tree
more representative was carried out that agreed with the most longevous centenary from Morón
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