2011, Number 2
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Mediciego 2011; 17 (2)
Clinical characterization of patients with liver cirrhosis at the Provincial Teaching Hospital
Lebroc PD, Reina ABE, Camacho AJA, Massíp RM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
PDF size: 57.73 Kb.
An observational descriptive study was carried out with the aimed to determine the clinical
features of liver cirrhosis at the Provincial Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" from
January 2006 to January 2009. 48 patients with cirrhosis were studied. The data collection was
conducted from medical record during hospitalization and outpatient clinic history. In patients
with cirrhosis it predominated the age group between 52 and 67years and male sex. The main
clinical manifestations that affected these patients were jaundice and edema in lower limbs, and
and complications more frequently found, ascites and upper digestive bleeding. The viral etiology
C virus and alcohol abuse occurred more frequently. According to morphological appearance of
the hepatic gland, the mixed cirrhosis was the predominant. Patients with score scale Child-Pugh
B were presented most frequently, and signs of portal hypertension were observed more among
them: the presence of ascites fluid and esophageal varices or oesophagogastric. Patients with
Child-Pugh A, had an increased survival time.
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