2011, Number 1
Design and implementation of an environmental management system in a department of hemodialysis
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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The occurrence of infections with hepatitis B, C and HIV / AIDS, among other infectious diseases in the Hemodialysis Department of Nephrology services is a serious health problem in the country. Morón Hospital was no exception to this problem due to various reasons ranging from their inefficient and old construction design, to violations of work discipline, lack of knowledge by staff of best practices in biosafety and environmental hygiene and mishandling of medical waste.To overcome these deficiencies the aim raised was to design and implement an environmental management system, from an initial environmental review as a solution to the occurrence of infectious diseases. The design and implementation of this system allowed a series of investments and actions that finally resulted the improved quality of patients life and workers. Since the system implementation are not reported incident cases of hepatitis B and C.REFERENCES
García Melián M, del Puerto Rodríguez A, Romero Placeres M, Santiesteban González B. Premisas de la implementación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental del Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología de Cuba. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [Internet]. 2009 [citado 12 Sep 2010]; 47(1): [aprox. 8 p.]. Disponible en: http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/hie/vol47_1_09/hie07109.htm
Cuba. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Situación de salud en Cuba: proyecciones de la salud pública cubana para el 2015 [Internet] La Habana: MINSAP; 2006 [citado 12 Sep 2010]. Disponible en: http://centrosoms.sld.cu/carpeta-de-trabajo/eventos/taller-internacional-centros-colaboradoresoms/trabajos-presentados
Inda Mariño AJ, Maidique M, Pérez O. Reducción del efecto contaminante sobre el medio ambiente de los desechos sólidos de los departamentos y salas de atención al grave del Hospital General Provincial Docente “Capitán Roberto Rodríguez Fernández” de Morón. Trabajo Presentado en el XV forum Municipal de Ciencia y Técnica. Morón; 2006. [documento no publicado]