2011, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2011; 27 (6)
Fever of unknown origin. The challenge of the Internal Medicine
Palafox CG, Martín CHJP
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 573-585
PDF size: 286.68 Kb.
When a patient has met the criteria for the definition of Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO), this represents a challenge in the study of Medicine by requiring skill and experience of medical diagnostic methods used to it, considering again basic studies, and maybe even to the most current and modern. Many diseases have as the first presentation this sign, so it should be suspected on clinical tools and be studied intelligently and directed by laboratory and imaging methods for the timely diagnosis of the same, because some diseases require diligent and swift treatment.
The revised information on ODF, it provides new concepts and ways to address that have not been integrated, that is why we seek through the following paragraphs give a brief summary to take an approach to its study in a spirit of practical and easily understood without losing the center line of study.
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