2011, Number 3
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Arch Neurocien 2011; 16 (3)
Depression in childhood and adolescence: desease of our time
Acosta-Hernández ME, Mancilla-Percino T, Correa-Basurto J, Saavedra-Vélez M, Ramos-Morales FR, Cruz-Sánchez JS, Duran-Niconoff S
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 156-161
PDF size: 92.66 Kb.
Mental disorders are considered a public health problem in most of the world. Depressive disorder, also known as clinical depression is a mental disorder characterized by long periods of sadness, affecting behavior and the thinking of the individual. The occurrence of depression in children and adolescents has increased in the last fifty years. Anyone can experience depression, regardless of age, ethnicity or gender, epidemiological studies indicate that this disorder occurs in about 3-8% of adolescents, whereas in adults occurs in about 4.5% of population. It causes social isolation and can, in severe cases, lead to suicide. Risk factors for depression include: family history, gender, and high stress situations. The diagnostic criteria for depression is well established in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IVTR). A safe and effective treatment requires accurate diagnosis, however, there is the risk of depression in children may be underdiagnosed because some children and adolescents may have difficulty identifying and describing the symptoms.
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