2011, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2011; 28 (1)
Erroneus Discipline a Child Abuse Pattern in Household: A Comparative Study in Two Social Groups
Sánchez-Chávez NP, Reyes-Gómez U, Carbajal-Rodríguez L, Reyes-Hernández KL, Reyes-Hernández U, López-Cruz G
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 7-13
PDF size: 155.76 Kb.
Objective: To know the daily infantile mistreatment of 2 social groups in Oaxaca city used as discipline in household.
Material and method. A descriptive, prospective, analytical, transverse and comparative study type interviews was carried out, 100 families by group.
Results: 561 children were polled from mean and lowering social classes respectively with emotional mistreatment: yells (67, 97) affronts and bad words (74, 89) abandonment threat (1, 47) go away home menace (2, 55) death threat (1, 59) privation of freedom (79, 6) foods privation (1, 34). in physical mistreatment: blows in the face (9, 82) blows in the mouth (3, 93) blows in the head (19, 85) blows in the body (79, 97) pushes (16, 97) burns with cigar (0, 8) kicks (0, 88) fractures (0, 4) ties of body (0, 7) injured (0,16).
Conclusion: The children submitted to a rigid discipline or mistreated by their parents can be in greater risk of presenting an aggressive behavior in the long run.
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