2011, Number 1
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2011; 13 (1)
Behavior of viral hepatitis A in the municipality of Jatibonico in the period 2004-2008
Meneses MA, Tabío HYE, Palmero DY, Cruz PE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 126.03 Kb.
Introduction. Viral hepatitis A (HAV) is the most common of all viral hepatitis. It is the cause of health and social problems where unfavorable environmental risk factors persist that have a high incidence of this disease. Objective. To determine the behavior of viral hepatitis type A in the town of Jatibonico. Material and methods. A descriptive study was conducted in the period from January 2004 to December 2008. The sample consisted of the 254 cases that met the inclusion criteria. The variables used included: incidence, age, people’s councils and risk factors. Results. It was noted that the highest rates on the basis of 100 000 inhabitants were found in 2008 (223.1), the age groups between 5-14 years (3.7), the People’s Council El Majá (2269.2). 63.8% of the population received water from wells and pipes. 100% of water was untreated. 52.3% of the existing pits were reported and in 100% of the cases were affected by microdumps. Conclusions. The disease had an ascending behavior, and inadequate manipulation of solid and liquid wastes influenced the disease morbidity.
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