2011, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2011; 25 (2)
Methodological strategy to know about the discipline as professional orientation
Maldonado RM, Vidal FS, Retamal CE
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 125-134
PDF size: 131.15 Kb.
The professional orientation and the vocational education are highly valued in the
curricular work in the medical sciences, given their dynamism to face the social and
technological changes that affect the professional practice in addition to the
solidarity and humanistic character of any medical profiles. The methodological
strategy along with the evaluating instruments used in a learning unit were
presented, where it was intended to reaffirm the vocational orientation and to
disclose the occupational field of the medical technologist. The strategy was
founded in in situ learning in which the students carry out a collaborative group
research. The plan of activities was designed according to the formation of groups
which work in different areas of performance. The outcome of this work is a
presentation before the peers of the research field. The activity is evaluated
according to several guidelines. The experience gained in 4 years evinced great
motivation on the part of the students. The evaluation indicated that it is important
for the students to fully know the work of the medical technologists in the various
areas of performance of the discipline they chose to become health professionals.
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