2007, Number 1
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Acta Cient Estud 2007; 5 (1)
Percepción de un Grupo de Pacientes Acerca de la calidad de atención y papel del Ambulatorio “Br. Eutimio Rivas”
Camacho I, Cohen V, Daza V, Sánchez L, Blanco S
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 4-13
PDF size: 179.68 Kb.
Is important to know the level of satisfaction of patients in order to formulate and evaluate social policies to improve the quality of attention towards them. For this reason, this paper aims at analyzing the relation that exists between the instruction level of the patients and their perception of the quality of attention received as well as their perception of the role of the ambulatory as a preventive or healing center. An epidemiological study of transverse and descriptive cut was applied to 50 individuals who assisted to the mentioned ambulatory and agreed with the study. The results where collected through a closed interview-like poll performed in May 2004. This results that were based on the only inclusion criterion of age between 18 and 73 were tabulated and processed with Excel XP
®, and statistically, with INSTAC
®. This group was made up mainly by women(76%, P‹0,05) of average 39 who didn't complete highschool. They assessed the assistance staff treatment (96%, P‹0,01), the facilities(100%) and cleanliness(88%, P‹0,05) as good. Two negative factors were mentioned: lack of medical material (68%, P‹0,05) and the waiting time for assistance(86%, P‹0,05). Nobody knew how to distinguish the preventive or healing nature of the center, but many suggested the insertion of non-medical activities (98%, P‹0,01). No preference was determined for other health centers, and cleanliness was the only factor related to level of instruction. It can be concluded that patients were satisfied and that activities providing disease prevention information and the accomplishment of studies determining other aspects of medical attention were recommended.
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