2011, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2011; 19 (3)
Risk factors affecting school graduates of Nursing
Lara-Barrón AM, Valadez-Díaz D
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 143-148
PDF size: 38.06 Kb.
Introduction: in education to reach quality standards and excellence, it is important to make a research about the school career.
Objective: analyze and correlate the factors affecting the school careers of graduated students of the fourth generation of nursing degree and compare the results with three generations before.
Methodology: a research of 104 graduated students of Nursing degree fourth generation of FES Iztacala. Was included as the dependent variable the school career and as the independent variable the factors affecting. A Test was used to obtain a Cronbach's alpha of 0.942 and correlation tests were applied. Information about three generations before was taken.
Results: 58.7 % of the first three generations and 59 % of the fourth one chose the career at first, the in and out average increase from 8.25 to 8.80 in the three generations before, and from 8.48 to 8.70 in the fourth, 87 % had always economic support from their parents, 83.7 % had family provision to study, hard modules were: Homeostatic processes, Nursing Adult Health and Research Methodology, 80.7 % received academic support from their teachers. Was obtained χ
2 = 3,613, df = 2,
p = 0. 164, in general the factors are the same for all generations.
Discussion: results coincide with the Acevedo’s and Meuly (2007), most of high school students continue in Nursing degree.
Conclusions: school careers related to development, improved in high school despite of adverse factors.
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