2011, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2011; 19 (3)
Physical injuries in hospitalized patients with neurological disabilities and lack of self-care
Uc-Chi NM, Ortíz-Blanqueto AT, Herman Pérez-Abreu MC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 127-132
PDF size: 133.64 Kb.
Introduction: a patient with neurological sequelae, and lack of self care runs the risk of physical injury or pathological change in body tissue of any local anomaly, visible from the tissues of the skin. The physical injuries that can occur in the skin are many causes leading to various types of injury depending on the forces of aggression and depth of injury, among the most common injuries are bruises, wounds and pressure ulcers.
Objective: to determine the frequency of injury in patients with neurological sequelae of Self-Care Deficit hospitalized in Internal Medicine and Neurosurgery.
Methodology: cohort study, using a straight non-probability sampling, we included patients presenting with neurological sequelae of selfcare deficit without injury when the nursing assessment. Were followed for detection of injury.
Results: the incidence of injury reported was 65.5 % (27) between the observed physical injuries found that 45 % (18) of patients had pressure ulcers, 2.5 % (1) more bruising ulcer, 10 % (4) of patients had contusions, 2.5 % (1) more bruising injury, and 7.5 % (3) only wounds.
Conclusions: the most common injuries reported are pressure ulcers, requires evaluation of patients for the detection of risk of injury as well as measures to prevent these injuries.
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