2011, Number 4
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2011; 16 (4)
Open drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst
Cruz SMÁ, Manjarrez CJA, González AMA, Santiago CH, Esquivel LI, Escandón EYM, Vásquez GH, Mondragón MI
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 256-259
PDF size: 290.42 Kb.
Pancreatic pseudocyst is a collection of sterile fluid, usually consists of cellular debris, blood and pancreatic fluid, totally encapsulated by a wall without epithelium. It represents approximately 75% of cystic lesions of the pancreas. There are several treatment options: percutaneous drainage, endoscopic drainage, endoscopic transpapillary drainage and surgical drainage. We report the case of a 59-year-old male patient diagnosed, by ultrasound and CT, with a cystic lesion of 14.5 X 9 cm in the pancreas. Due to the anatomical presentation a cistogastroanastomosis was made. The treatment should be individualized by determining the characteristics of the pseudocyst; currently there are several treatment modalities.
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