2000, Number 4
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Rev Mex Ing Biomed 2000; 21 (4)
Construction of Human Head Models for Anthropometry and Dosimetry Studies of Hand-Held Phones
Márquez J, Bousquet T, Bloch I, Schmitt F, Grangeat C
Language: English
References: 9
Page: 120-128
PDF size: 647.28 Kb.
Laser-scan acquisitions were obtained from real human heads and processed for the construction of a database of anthromomorphical phantoms for dosimetry studies of hand-held mobile phones. Raw data was converted to cylindrical range images and several image processing techniques were then applied to filter and smooth the profiles for 3D-model construction. A triangulated surface was then obtained for rendering each phantom, and for CAD and finite-element simulations; we also built a discrete volume representation for FDTD analysis (Finite Differences in Time Domain). The ear region was isolated and labeled for special treatment. At the end of this paper, two applications of head phantoms are also briefly presented, concerning dosimetry and anthropometry problems.
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