2011, Number 3
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Pediatr Mex 2011; 13 (3)
Effect of mother’s nutritional condition over newborn infants
Masud YZJL, Barrios RA, Ávila RR, Duarte OA
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 103-108
PDF size: 104.24 Kb.
Background: The nutritional vulnerability pregnant has effects on the fetus.
Objective: To compare the nutritional status of pregnant with his child.
Methods: 420 women were examined for body mass index at the beginning and end of pregnancy and newborn anthropometric record. 70 women were found in body fat and body composition products.
Results: There were significant positive linear correlation between nutritional status at the beginning and end of pregnancy. Overweight women remained well throughout pregnancy. The weight of the products was influenced by the nutritional status of the mother. Less weight babies whose mothers were malnourished, mothers with normal body mass index had children with average weight of 3.200 kg overweight mothers had children with more than 3.500 kg maternal weight did not correlate with weight product. Girls showed a greater weight. Teenage mothers had children with lower weight. There was no relationship between maternal and percentage fat product.
Conclusions: Two thirds of the women started pregnancy overweight. Malnutrition affects the weight of the product. Maternal fat is not determinative of the product weight.
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