2011, Number 4
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Rev Mex Anest 2011; 34 (4)
Effect of psychological intervention over pre-operative anxiety
Carapia-Sadurni A, Mejía-Terrazas GE, Nacif-Gobera L, Hernández-Ordóñez N
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 260-263
PDF size: 82.51 Kb.
Introduction: Preoperative anxiety state due to fear of the circumstances surrounding the intervention.
Objective: Modify preoperative anxiety levels through psychological techniques.
Materials and methods: A single session, divided into three phases: assessing pretreatment levels of anxiety, pain and blood pressure, Phase II treatment: psychoeducation, diaphragmatic breathing, cognitive restructuring, communication skills and positive reinforcement, Phase III to Post-treatment, were reassessed anxiety, pain and blood pressure.
Results: 51 patients, 64.7% female 35.2% male. Preoperative anxiety level in 49% mild, 27.5% moderate and 23.5% severe. Mild postoperative anxiety in all patients. The causes of mortality were: fear of pain 13.72%, 11.76% ignorance about the process of surgery as well as know the type of anesthesia you receive, the 37.25% quiet as evaluating the benefits of surgery on quality of life or in their body image. Psychological techniques used were: psychoeducation (27.40%), positive reinforcement (23.52%) diaphragmatic breathing (21.56%), other technical services (27.52%).
Conclusion: There is a decrease in anxiety levels before and after surgery because of psychological intervention completed.
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