2011, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2011; 25 (4)
Evaluation of a teaching strategy for lab practices of medical microbiology and parasitology in Medicine
Espino HM, Abín VL, Silva RM, Álvarez GMM, Díaz SLA, Alemán ML
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 438-450
PDF size: 171.63 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of a didactic strategy designed for lab practices
in Microbiology and Medical Parasitology at the Latin American Medical School.
Methods: the didactic strategy was based on problem-based teaching and the
principle of cooperative learning. The evaluation covered 5 academic courses
(September 2004 to July 2009) in which the population of students registered in
these courses was involved. The final academic results of the practical lab classes
as well as the retention of acquired practical knowledge by the students reflected in
the final test were analyzed; then they were compared with the historical data from
the 2002-2003 academic year, using the contingency tables and the
Pearson´s χ
The marks and the quality of the final exam were evaluated with
Spearman´s rank
correlations (r). The significant differences were considered for p ‹ 0,05.
Results: the strategy consisted of 3 basic actions: a) the approach of the problem
or experimental task; b) carrying out the experiment; c) control and evaluation of
the process. During the evaluative period, the marks and the quality of the practical
lab classes were stable and significantly higher than those of the 2002-2003
course. At the same time, there was lower frequency of mistakes in the final test of
the subject in terms of contents related to practical objectives (p ‹ 0,001).
Conclusions: the educational strategy encouraged the teamwork, and favoured
the academic performance and the retention of knowledge about the practical
essentials of the subject.
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