2011, Number 6
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Gac Med Mex 2011; 147 (6)
Seguro popular: achievements and perspectives
Chertorivski-Woldenberg S
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 487-496
PDF size: 96.20 Kb.
Healthcare systems are organized following one of two basic models: social security systems, which link access to health services to labor status, and national health systems, which grant access to health as a citizen’s right. Mexico adopted, since the institutionalization of social security and healthcare services in 1943, a mixed system. Social security institutions covered the salaried workers and public assistance was granted to the remaining of the population. At the beginning of the XXI century the Mexican health system entered a crisis as the conditions to expand health coverage through social security were not met and public assistance services were insufficient. In order to address these developments, the Healthcare Social Protection System was founded (2004) as a mechanism to effectively guarantee every person’s right to health as established after the constitutional amendment of article fourth in 1983. Seguro Popular is the mechanism that through federal and states’ contributions seeks to financially protect the population without access to social security’s health services, and thus prevent impoverishment due to out of pocket and catastrophic health expenditures.
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