2011, Number 6
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Gac Med Mex 2011; 147 (6)
The need of transforming the health system in Mexico
López-Cervantes M, Durán AJL, Villanueva LM
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 469-474
PDF size: 78.65 Kb.
In this article we review the need for the transformation of the Mexican health care system given the deformities that the system developed in the last 60 years. We start by the discussion of two main deformities: the segmented answer to the health right, and the development of a segmented health care system based on the method of payment (formal workers contributions); and the development of a health care model based on specialties and hospital care. These deformities have resulted in a health care system characterized by high costs and low effectiveness. Even though the correction of the deformities imply complex modifications that involve political economic and legal aspects, in the short term we have the conditions in Mexico for the creation of a universal primary health care system, given the human and financial resources available in the country.
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