2011, Number 2
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2011; 10 (2)
Efficacy of subcutaneous erythropoietin intravenously in pediatric patients vs haemodialysed
Betancourt FCE, Paque BC, Ávila GM, Solís HL, Monzón VML
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 94-101
PDF size: 89.20 Kb.
Introduction: The route of administration of erythropoietin is controversial; several studies report more effective intravenously, while some mention that there is no difference, others support the subcutaneously.
Objective: Know the effectiveness of erythropoietin administered subcutaneously and intravenously in the treatment of secondary anemia in pediatric patients with chronic renal failure HGOP UMAE 48. Clinical trials conducted in the UMAE N° 48 HGOP in the months of July-August 2008.
Methodology: Of the total population of patients (51), were removed 13 and 38 were studied by simple random sampling were divided into two groups which were administered for two consecutive months erythropoietin intravenously or subcutaneously as appropriate. Blood sample was taken for each patient before treatment of hemodialysis at the start of the study and the two months following the intervention. Both groups will take an initial blood sample and one at the end of the study to determine levels of hemoglobin and to make the comparison. For the analysis of data using the statistical package SPSS 15.0 for Windows, and the Student t test to the statistical significance of a difference between two means.
Results: There were no statistically significant results in the use of intravenous or subcutaneous erythropoietin.
Discussion: The results obtained agree with those found by Pizarelli F in a study in Italy where it is mentioned that the route of administration of EPO has no effect on hemoglobin levels.
Conclusion: Erythropoietin is effective in the treatment of anemia in pediatric hemodialysis patients regardless of route of administration.
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