2011, Number 2
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2011; 10 (2)
Level of independence of the patient with spinal cord injury and its relationship to nursing interventions
Barajas CMA, Hernández CS, García JMA, Acosta ÁA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 77-80
PDF size: 52.75 Kb.
The rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury is focused on maintaining a high degree of independence and avoiding possible complications; in order to achieve these objectives, the nursing care plays a pivotal role. According to this, the objective of this study was to analyze the level of independence of the patient with spinal cord injury (SCI) with respect to his/her activities of daily living and its relationship to nursing interventions. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study; the sample was integrated by 28 SCI-patients hospitalized in a Neurological Rehabilitation Ward. In order to carry out the recollection of data, and to identify the independence level of the patients the Barthel Index was used. The clinical nursing records were reviewed for identifying nursing interventions. The data analysis was made with descriptive statistics. The independence level shown by more than one half of the studied patients was severe dependence, and in lower percentage full dependence and moderate dependence. The activities of daily living assessed were: stairs, transfers (bed to chair and back) toilet use, dressing, bowels and grooming or bathing. It also was identified that nursing staff recorded the nursing diagnosis and interventions with high percentages of accomplishment. It was found congruence between the activities of daily living and nursing diagnosis and interventions. Results showed an existing relationship between the phases of assessing, diagnosing and implementing that characterizes the nursing process.
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