2011, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2011; 32 (5)
Pediatric trace elements. Clinical updates
Calderón-Guzmán D, Hernández-García E, Barragán-Mejía G, Carmona-Aparicio L
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 287-291
PDF size: 144.02 Kb.
During early life, infants usually consume a predominant milk diet. This is a natural food rich in trace elements (approximately 1 g/100 mL). Trace elements are not inorganic compounds synthesized in the body, which contains only small amounts; they can be obtained from natural food, since they are necessary for human life. This paper reviews the updated information on trace elements, their source from natural foods, and their importance in parenteral nutrition.
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