2011, Number 2
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2011; 3 (2)
Hallazgos colposcópicos en pacientes adolescentes
Echeverría MCA, Hurtado EG, Pardo MRV
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 53-58
PDF size: 52.37 Kb.
Introduction: It is important to study young patients as it has been an increase in the lower genital tract pathology.
Objective: The colposcopic findings of the adolescent patients at the Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Maternal and Child Institute of the State of Mexico.
Material and methods: All adolescent patients were sent for colposcopy with a diagnosis of abnormal cytology or sexually transmitted disease. Colposcopy was performed, the diagnosis of premalignant lesions were confirmed by biopsy histopathology.
Results: Of a total of 110 patients, mean age was 16.2 years and the onset of sexual activity was on average at 16.4 years, with a percentage of 58.18% with a sexual partner and a 19.09% more than three sexual partners. Within the colposcopic findings and in benign lesions were observed in 11 patients with cervical polyps (10%), seven with molluscum contagiosum (6.36%), 19 with glandular eversion (17.27%) and 24 patients with vulvar and perineal condilomatosis (21.81%). In premalignant lesions were observed 56 patients with minor (50.90%) and 18 patients with major changes (16.36%). Treatment options we show satisfactory response rate in this type of injury at this age.
Conclusions: We propose a percentage up because the resolution of benign and premalignant lesions of the cervix even if we lack clear that studies with sufficient scientific evidence to support this fact.
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