2011, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2011; 79 (08)
Appendicular endometriosis as a cause of acute abdomen
Villarreal-Peral C, Olvera-Gracida L, González-Maynes ML, Saucedo-Ruiz G
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 489-492
PDF size: 352.53 Kb.
Endometriosis affects between 4 and 17% of women of reproductive age. The intestinal endometriosis affects 3 to 12% of women and is usually asymptomatic when it affects the subserosa or serosa; 0.7 to 2.5% of patients require surgical treatment for symptomatic lesions with diarrhea, constipation, pain and hematochezia. We report a case of a patient with appendiceal endometriosis in which the diagnosis was made during an emergency surgery and histopathology reported involvement of the muscle wall and serosa.
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