2007, Number 01-02
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2007; 13 (01-02)
El laboratorio en las enfermedades reumáticas autoinmunes
Molina RJF
Language: Spanish
References: 67
Page: 11-33
PDF size: 2105.91 Kb.
Autoimmune rheumatic diseases are a group of chronic disorders of unknown etiology that can share clinical manifestations and laboratory findings. Thus, an accurate diagnosis can be difficult for the clinician who faces the patient for the first time. Early diagnosis of autoimmune rheumatic diseases is of great importance and laboratory results can be very useful, as long as they are interpreted in the clinical context of each patient. It is well known that an early diagnosis and treatment will lead to a decrease in the morbi-mortality of these patients. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases are generally characterized by the production of acute phase reactants and autoantibodies that recognize a diverse array of cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens, which are useful in the differential diagnosis of these diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, sistemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren´s syndrome, among others. This module attempts to guide the clinician in the process of an early diagnosis of the more common autoimmune rheumatic diseases, including their differential diagnosis through the laboratory.
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