2011, Number 2
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Vet Mex 2011; 42 (2)
Animal Welfare in the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Curriculum. What for and why?
Aluja AS
Language: English/Spanish
References: 74
Page: 137-147
PDF size: 253.02 Kb.
Animal welfare is nowadays considered a science and it should be part of the curriculum of Veterinary Schools and Faculties. Present knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurobiology and the nervous system in particular show that animals and men share many similar organic mechanisms. Observational and behavioural studies prove that animals are conscious of their surroundings and experience anxieties, fear, stress and pain. The link between animal welfare and production is mentioned and it is concluded that veterinarians must know about animal behaviour, it’s physiological and neurological basis, with the objective to provide a state of wellbeing for animals which in return will favourably influence production.
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