2011, Number 2
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2011; 16 (2)
Epidemiological characteristics of direct maternal-obstetric mortality in entitled population of ISSSTE, Mexico
Yáñez VLB, Bernal ADA, Alcázar ÁLS, Ramírez CDP, Tena TC
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 89-96
PDF size: 295.70 Kb.
Background: Maternal mortality is one of the most sensitive indicators of health conditions of the female population in reproductive age. This indicator is the fifth of the Millennium Development Goals.
Objective: To know the epidemiological pattern of maternal mortality due to direct obstetric causes at ISSSTE.
Material and methods: Cross-sectional study was performed to identify correlates in maternal mortality occurred during the period 2008 to 2010. The information was obtained from clinical records and death certificates.
Results: 80% of all maternal deaths from 2008 to 2010 were due to direct obstetric causes. Most deaths occurred in the puerperium. The main cause of direct obstetric death was hemorrhage. The etiology of this was uterine atony and abnormal placental adherence. In the majority of deaths deficiencies in quality of care (97.6%) were identified. Mothers with at least one previous cesarean had higher mortality due to hemorrhage. During night wards, the likelihood of having deaths due to obstetric hemorrhage was four more times. Those who had preeclampsia/eclampsia, with abdominal delivery were four times more likely to die.
Conclusions: Most maternal deaths by direct obstetric causes could have been avoided with better quality of care in pregnancy and prompt care and excellent quality in childbirth and postpartum.
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