2011, Number 2
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2011; 16 (2)
Relation between allergic rhinitis and estomatological-facial disorders
Medina ÁMA, Anaya CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 75-81
PDF size: 341.23 Kb.
Background: Allergic rhinitis has been linked to oral breathing, which promotes various dental and facial abnormalities.
Objective: To establish the type of relationship between allergic rhinitis and dental-facial abnormalities in the pediatric population of Hospital General ISSSTE Veracruz in 2009.
Patients and method: Case-control study, cases (25) were patients aged 6 to 18 years diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. Controls (25) were entitled of 6 to 18 years-old. Previous informed consent, subjects were referred to the dental service, where history and oral examination were done. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, chi-square test statistic (χ
2) and t Student were used.
Results: The average age of cases was 12 ± 3.5 years, mean bodyweight was 44.33 kg; age of controls was 12.6 ± 3.8 years and weight was 48.23 kg. Sixteen percent of the cases have some oral habit (finger, tongue), in controls 36% assumed the habit. The predominant type of skull was normocephalic in controls (84%), and dolichocephalic in cases (63%). 100% of cases had at least one dental abnormality (dry lips, deep palate, malocclusion), 90% had deep palate. In controls 32% presented a disorder and 24%, deep palate. We found a statistically significant difference (
p = 0.007) in the variable nasal respiratory failure syndrome.
Conclusions: There is a relation between allergic rhinitis and dental-facial abnormalities.
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