2010, Number 4
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2010; 15 (4)
Microalbuminuria, a sub valuated diagnosis resource in the timely detection of chronic renal failure
Méndez DA, Rivera RG
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 237-241
PDF size: 67.44 Kb.
Chronic the renal disease (ERC) is a problem of public health at world-wide level, the lack of human, financial resources and of infrastructure they indicate it like a catastrophic disease. On the other hand, the incidence is increased day with day and the strategies of prevention of the renal damage are inefficient reason why it is imperative to identify renal damage of an opportune way. The determination of microalbuminuria with reactive strip in risk populations is an effective tool in the detection of the renal damage, of compared costs of investment with the generated ones by the substitute therapies of dialysis and simple to make. It is necessary that the systems of health in Mexico implement programs of opportune detection and integral attention for this disease, in where the initial identification of the renal damage allows to offer specific the dietetic and pharmacologic treatment, the opportune reference to the specialist, the delay of the progression of the ERC and diminution of the number of incom e to dialysis.
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