2011, Number 1
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2011; 16 (1)
Sexual function changes in 40 to 59 year-old men and women
Cabada RE, Bueno OI, Casillas VE, Domínguez JML, Gutiérrez VO, Hernández MMJ, Martínez JA, Rincón CE, Díaz LD
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 8-12
PDF size: 62.01 Kb.
Objective: To identify the sexual function changes in 40-59 year-old men and women.
Patients and method: Disorder of sexual response stages was evaluated in the following phases: desire frequency, desire interest, pleasure, arousement and orgasm, in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure, and clinical depression, using the Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (CSFQ) from April to June, 2010. Blood pressure and established diagnosis were analyzed, in addition with 12 hour fast glycemic rates.
Results: The sample included 121 men and 123 women. Among evaluated men, 43% were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, 37% with high blood pressure, and 20% with clinical depression; average plasma glucose found was 177 mg/dL, and average blood pressure was 130/80 mmHg. A 77% of depressed male patients, 92.2% of those with diabetes type 2, and 85.2% of those with high blood pressure, got lower punctuation than the 47 cut-off point. Among female patients, 28% were diagnosed with high blood pressure, 24% with diabetes mellitus type 2 and 48% with clinical depression; average plasma glucose was 211 mg/dL and average blood pressure was 124/74 mmHg. An 86.3% of depressed female patients, 90% of those with diabetes type 2, and 88% of those with high blood pressure got punctuation lower than 41 cut-off point, concluding that they were affected on their global sexual function.
Conclusions: The analyzed results indicate that antihypertensive, hypoglycemic and antidepressant drugs, as well benzodiazepines had side effects on different phases of human sexual response, according to published bibliography.
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