2011, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2011; 147 (3)
The physicians from Aguascalientes during the Mexican Revolution
López PXA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 279-285
PDF size: 93.96 Kb.
The historical event known as the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) took place at different locations in the country and many people participated in it, directly or indirectly.
In this paper I describe the role that some physicians played in this struggle in the state of Aguascalientes, where the social structure was broken up so thunderously.
But why specifically physicians? Because they formed an important local sphere of influence, both socially and politically, and had vision, actions and sometimes conflicting ideals, that were all at the mercy of the vortex of the revolutionary social struggle that after its partial or total end, favored and exalted some while damaged and eliminated others.
These were the doctors in their role as citizens, politicians, and even revolutionaries, who contributed to the forging of modern Mexico, inside and outside of Aguascalientes.
Their contributions deserve to be remembered by all; good or bad as you may judge them, they only were the product of their time and particular circumstances.
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