2010, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2010; 18 (2)
Effect of the Reiki as a nursing care in the metabolic control of type 2 diabetes patients
Ávila-Sansores GM, Gómez-Aguilar PIS, Tuz-Poot FR
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 75-80
PDF size: 44.44 Kb.
Introduction: to fortify the body of knowledge in the nursing care, the development of research based on theories and models of nursing, is the best way. The present study used the theory of the Unitary Human Beings of Rogers.
Objective: to determine the effect of the Reiki in the level of hemoglobin glucosilada (HbA1ç), arterial tension (TA), glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DMT2).
Methodology: a quantitative, correlational, cuasiexperimental study was done. A sample of 23 subjets, 12 in the intervention group and 11 as control group. The
t of Student for samples related was used.
Results: average age 56. 13 years; 78 % women, 57 % with elementary school the experimental group to HbA1ç
p = 0.11, systolic TA
p = 0.31, glucose
p = 0.04, cholesterol
p = 0.00, triglycerides
p = 0.91.
Conclusions: Reiki can influence in the control of the glucose and the cholesterol, but is necessary more research about the complementary and alternative therapies.
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