2010, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2010; 18 (1)
The nursing education and the addictions. A literature review
García-Cardona M, Ramírez-Elías A
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 35-42
PDF size: 53.47 Kb.
To know the state of the art and to be aware of the history and not repeat what has been done, but rather to use it as a new starting point. Find out what has been done on the subject that interests us is not easy.
Today, the literature review is done a lot of points of view. We have access to catalogs of publications and data sourses. A topic searching produced in few seconds a lot of references that can not be reviewed thoroughly. It is not easy to choose what to read.
Digital databases are becoming the hayloft of the old story of the needle, in the case of science, it is mandatory to be necessary for obtaining information. In this case we face a reality in reviewing the issues that shaped the main lines of analysis of this review: nursing education and addiction.
We found the curricular models to incorporate the issue of addiction in the nursing curriculum, to delineate thing that has to be done in this area, or at least find concepts and applied evidence to reach a construct and a proposal to do so. Designed tools and steps to decide what to read and how that can be useful for other researchers, especially for students or professionals who are beginning a literature review.
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