2010, Number 3
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Arch Neurocien 2010; 15 (3)
The cartesian neurophysiology: between the spiritus animalis and the conarium
López-Muñoz F, Alamo C, García-García P
Language: Spanish
References: 85
Page: 179-193
PDF size: 150.96 Kb.
The neurophysiological knowledge until the time of Descartes was based on the pneumatic-ventricular model of the classic authors and the medieval three-cell theory. In these hypotheses, the so-called animal spirits —a vital fluid said to occupy the inside of the ventricles and the nerves— played an outstanding role. Descartes proposed an elaborate theory on the physiology of the nervous system, based on the Augustinian dualist neurophysiologic doctrine, that considered man as an entity composed of a body
(res extensa) and a spirit
(res cogitans). In the Teatrise of Man, all of the mechanicist physiological Cartesian theories are brought into play, and the human being is assimilated to an artificial robot, with the exception of the superior executive control exerted by the soul. In this hypothesis, communication between the will of the mind and the movement of the body-machine would be achieved through the Galenic
spiritus animalis (animal spirits). However, in order for this harmonic relation to take place, it was necessary for the human soul to have a physical seat. Thus, Descartes fixed the seat of the soul on «the innermost part of the brain», that is, the pineal gland.Teatrise of Man is considered the first European text book on Physiology and exerted a great deal of influence during the 17
th and most of the 18
th century. The Cartesian theories may be appreciated in the exposition of the iatromechanical (Borelli) and iatrochemical (Silvio, Vieussens, Willis) currents, and constitute, with their limitations, an extremely complex vision of neurophysiology that was quite novel for its time.
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