2010, Number 3
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2010; 18 (3)
'Keep on learning' program at a Hospital in the 'Ignacio Chávez' National Institute of Cardiology (ICHNIC)
González FNE, Domínguez BA
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 91-93
PDF size: 240.33 Kb.
The program Following Learning at the Hospital was created by National Institute Cardiology Ignacio Chavez at the end of year 2005. This program is bases on idea that include academic, professional, and social life, but also in vital higher-order skills (abilities). This program offer non formal way recreatives activities to the patient at the old ages and pediatric patients, as well as to relatives and workers; the benefits with the program are low process in order to avoid stress, depression wich generated by the environment at hospitalization and to favor one better adaptation. This institutional initiative is an opportunity for the patients, relatives and workers, who live with a leave behind and scholastic desertion so that they can continue and conclude his basic education.
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