2011, Number 3
Asfixia traumática: Reporte de un caso
Luviano GJA, Cataneo CAC
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 157-159
PDF size: 289.08 Kb.
Introduction: Traumatic asphyxia is characterized by an intense reddish purple color of skin of head and neck, bilateral conjunctival hemorrhage and varying degrees of facial edema. As a result of severe compression of the chest with reflux of blood from the right chambers of the heart right to the head and neck veins, massive pressure that is transmitted to the capillaries. Causing weakness and dilatation of capillary stasis.Objective: A case report of a patient with traumatic asphyxia that ICU care.
Design: Report of two cases.
Place: UCI Medical Unit of High Specialty number 21 of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
Patient: Men 42 years of age working in construction machinery business to be laboring under a metal table is trapped between the ground and the structure of one-ton receiving direct contusion thorax and abdomen, with psychomotor agitation, facial bruising extension a posterior scalp and neck, edema bipalpebral bilateral conjunctival hyperemia, anterior chest ecchymosis in thoracic limbs, anterior abdomen. Intubated, chest tubes are placed. Mechanical ventilation is operated extubated at 18 hours and expenditures improvement.